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Eco-Friendly Storage Ideas

Below are some links for produce storage ideas that we use in our own home. The ultimate goal is to reduce plastics in the kitchen. This doesn't mean you have to go out and buy new things or immediately throw out any plastic bags you have. If you have something, use it until it's no longer useable, then it can be replaced with something longer lasting and more environmentally friendly. 
Mesh Produce Bags - Find these at most health/eco-friendly stores in Ottawa (use for most vegetables/herbs/leafy greens)
Cotton Bags - Find these at most health/eco-friendly stores in Ottawa (use for baked bread/flour/rice/beans etc.)
Stainless Steel Containers Find these at most health/eco-friendly stores in Ottawa (use for....everything)
Glass Containers Find these at any Canadian Tire in Ottawa (we like to use these ones for freezer storage)
Mason Jars - Find these by the case at any Home Hardware in Ottawa (use for sauces since they seal well and all things pickled)
Beeswax Wraps - Find these at most health/eco-friendly stores in Ottawa (use for storing cut onions/cheese/lemons/uneaten pizza slices)