Lemon Balm

About me: Lemon balm is part of the mint family. It is available in many varieties, one of which is our favourite - Orange Lemon Balm! This awesome herb has a bright, citrusy scent and flavour which can brighten up any dish or herbal tea. 

Traditionally, it was used to treat upset stomach and leaves can be chewed to freshen the breath or crushed and placed on a bug bite to help ease the itch. It is said to reduce stress, aid in sleep, PMS symptoms, and overall relaxation.

Note: If you’re on thyroid medication, or are pregnant or nursing talk with a qualified health professional before using lemon balm medicinally. 


To store: Place you balm in a glass of water and cover with a plastic bag and keep in the fridge.

You can also dry long balm for teas and tinctures. Place in a paper bag and hand upside down with a string attached to the stems and bag. Poke a few holes for airflow and allow to dry. Store in an airtight container. 


Recipes: Coming Soon!